

The 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 音乐系 enjoys a vital presence on campus, 在克拉克斯维尔社区和该地区. 这个系设在最先进的建筑里 facility that offers outstanding practice, rehearsal, and studio facilities, along 拥有全国公认的音乐厅.

The 音乐 Department at Austin Peay brings world-class experiences into the classroom 还有音乐厅.

Our students perform in dynamic ensembles, create engaging outreach programs, and work closely 与 faculty in personalized classroom and studio instruction. 我们的价值 the potential and individuality of each student, and our faculty build relationships 并在课堂/工作室内外提供指导. 我们的毕业生 find great success in music and related careers, and are accepted into graduate schools 由他们选择. 快来拜访我们,看看你如何适应我们充满活力和令人兴奋的 音乐系.

安排试镜 安排拜访 请求的信息 音乐会及活动 



We offer nine undergraduate concentrations, six graduate concentrations, two minors, and a graduate certificate to prepare you for every avenue of professional musicianship.



这个浓度 prepares students for careers in composition, conducting, arranging, 音乐理论,教育学,艺术管理等等. 作曲家也教理论和音乐 学院、大学和私人工作室的作曲. 这个学位将为你准备 你对这些或其他音乐事业的看法.


Rene Villarreal在MUC弹吉他

这个浓度 prepares students for careers in symphony orchestras, opera houses, musical theatres, jazz clubs, recording studios, theme parks, cruise ships, touring 公司,军事乐团,室内乐团,以及独奏家. 许多表演者 also spend much of their time 教学 private lessons in local schools, private studios, 音乐商店,或者大学级别的. 许多表演专业的学生攻读研究生学位 or careers in conducting, composing, arranging, music theory, pedagogy, or arts management. 这个学位将为你准备 你对这些或其他音乐事业的看法.



这个浓度 prepares students for careers in symphony orchestras, opera houses, musical theatres, jazz clubs, recording studios, theme parks, cruise ships, touring 公司,军事乐团,室内乐团和独奏家. 许多表演者也 spend much of their time 教学 private lessons in local schools, private studios, 音乐商店,或者大学级别的. 表演专业的学生攻读研究生学位 or careers in conducting, composing, arranging, music theory, pedagogy, or arts management. 这个学位将为你的音乐生涯做好准备.



这个浓度 prepares students for careers in symphony orchestras, opera houses, musical theatres, jazz clubs, recording studios, theme parks, cruise ships, touring 公司,军事乐团,室内乐团,以及独奏家. 许多表演者 also spend much of their time 教学 private lessons in local schools, private studios, 音乐商店,或者大学级别的. 表演专业的学生可以攻读研究生学位 or careers in conducting, composing, arranging, music theory, pedagogy, or arts management. 这个学位将为你的音乐生涯做好准备.



这个浓度 prepares students for careers in symphony orchestras, opera houses, musical theatres, jazz clubs, recording studios, theme parks, cruise ships, touring 公司,军事乐团,室内乐团,以及独奏家. 许多表演者 also spend much of their time 教学 private lessons in local schools, private studios, 音乐商店,或者大学级别的. 许多表演专业的学生攻读研究生学位 or careers in conducting, composing, arranging, music theory, pedagogy, or arts management. 这个学位将为你的音乐生涯做好准备.



理学学士(理学学士.S.)及文学士(B.A.)是通识学位 that prepare students for a wide array of careers and allow students to select from 广泛的课程,以满足他们的目标和兴趣. 这个浓度 requires a minor in another area that students select 与 the help of their academic 顾问. 辅修课程提供了可能不提供的额外技能和内容 但对于一些与音乐相关的职业来说是必不可少的.



音乐教师既是专业的教育工作者,也是专业的音乐家. 因此, your course work will prepare you to excel as both an educator and a vocalist. 音乐 education courses begin in the sophomore year and conclude 与 a semester of student 教学. 你还将参加一组教师预备课程 College 为你成为国家认证的教师做准备的教育.



音乐教师既是专业的教育工作者,也是专业的音乐家. 因此, your course work will prepare you to excel as both an educator and an instrumentalist. 音乐 education courses begin in the sophomore year and conclude 与 a semester of 学生教学. 你还将参加一组教师预备课程 为你成为一名国家认证的教师做准备的教育学院.



音乐 therapists use music as a therapeutic tool to address motor, communication, 认知、社会和/或情感需求. 音乐治疗师与客户一起工作 the lifespan in school, hospitals, mental health agencies, nursing and rehabilitation 中心,或私人诊所. 这是一个快速发展的领域,而365bet是其中之一 田纳西州的三所学校开设了音乐治疗课程!



Garrett Coscoluella在足球场表演

This one-year program is designed for post-baccalaureate music students who wish to concentrate primarily on their 表演 skills as they are prepare for entry into masters programs, competitions, auditions, or performing positions 与out being enrolled 在学位课程中. 该计划几乎完全侧重于发展业绩 skills through private instruction, collaborative and ensemble 表演s, and solo 演出.



这个浓度 is designed to meet the needs of musicians seeking to focus on 表演. 有些人选择这种专注只是为了提高他们作为教师的技能 and performers while others use the program to prepare for doctoral study in 表演.


Emmanuel m<s:1> jeun与圆号合影

这个浓度 is designed to meet the needs of musicians seeking to focus on 表演. 有些人选择这种专注只是为了提高他们作为教师的技能 and performers while others use the program to prepare for doctoral study in 表演.



这个浓度 is designed to meet the needs of musicians seeking to focus on 合唱指挥. 有些人选择这个专业只是为了提高他们的技能 as teachers and conductors while others use the program to prepare for doctoral study 在合唱指挥中. 学生将被要求在校园里进行指挥试演 与学生合奏.



这个浓度 is designed to meet the needs of musicians seeking to focus on 仪器进行. 有些人选择这个专业只是为了提高他们的技能 as teachers and conductors while others use the program to prepare for doctoral study 在仪器传导方面. 学生将被要求做一次指挥试演 在校园里和一个学生合奏团.



The 音乐系 seeks to fulfill its mission by providing training and experience for students preparing for careers in music 表演, providing training toward the development of critical thinking in music, providing music training and 教学 experience for students seeking licensure in education to help meet the need for competent music teachers in the state and region, and providing education resources and musical 作为综合文科教育的一部分.




  • 表演
  • 音乐教育
  • 教育学
  • 理论与构成
  • 音乐学和民族音乐学
  • 敬拜或圣乐
  • 音乐疗法
  • 音乐行业
  • 音乐技术
  • 进行
  • 仪器维修
  • 音乐图书管理员

      “Austin Peay has helped push me to be better and push for bigger and better things. 我认为Austin Peay有一个很棒的音乐部门.”

      Dr. 艾米丽·汉娜·克兰
      Dr. 艾米莉·汉娜·克兰,弦乐乐队

      Dr. Crane recently served on the COVID-19 Taskforce for the American String Teachers 协会应用工作室教学代表. 她还表演过 与 十字路口, a professional contemporary music ensemble, the 门户室内乐团 and in 纳什维尔歌剧院制作的 《365bet平台》 (普契尼)

      ren Villarreal,音乐表演和教育

      René has worked both on campus and in the community during his college career, 教学 ukulele to homeschool students through both the Community School for the Arts and 创意艺术卓越中心. 作为吉他专家,比利亚雷亚尔 credits the 365bet music program and Professor Stanley Yates for making Villarreal a “完美主义者.” “The 365bet music program has prepared me in many ways for after graduation 但我养成的一个主要品质是完美主义者,”他说. “有 to stay in a locked room for hours on end playing eight notes as slow as possible 尽量发出最好的声音对这一点有很大帮助.”

      Dr. 迈克尔·钱德勒
      Dr. 迈克尔·钱德勒,音乐教育

      在过去的一年里,365bet音乐教育协调员Dr. 迈克尔·钱德勒 led Orff seminars and workshops across the world including the Australian National Council of Orff Schulwerk conference in Melbourne, Australia, the Rocky Mountain Orff symposium, the Tennessee Arts Academy and the Colorado 音乐 Educators Conference.


      The inviting nature of the Austin Peay community, Méjeun said, made his dream a reality, and it is that generosity that he hopes to pay future to future students as he works 想成为一名大学音乐教授. “关于我的故事的一切都是捆绑在一起的 to music: it’s my passion, it’s my love, it’s going to be my job — It’s everything 对我来说。. “奥斯丁·皮伊音乐学院的每一位教授都在做更多的事情 than just 教学; they’re about fostering a community. 他们支持你,而不仅仅是 与 pursuing a career in 教学 music, but they’re there to support you as you 在生活中,提供帮助和建议.”


      入学是通过试镜和/或作品集审查和面试. 开始应用程序 现在就开始设定面试日期吧.